Some examples of our work
During 2002 we dealt with practical issues
relating to the establishment of a Business Registry in
The Registry was initially the responsibility of the
United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the European
Union, but was subsequently transferred to the Government of
Norway Registers Development AS provided the computer
system. Registry Advisers Limited analysed requirements,
defined desk procedures, drafted forms, instructions and a
procedures manual, commented on legislation, drafted
regulations, advised systems developers on the requirement,
provided staff training and gave presentations to the business
community throughout Kosovo. In 2005 the
World Bank commended the Kosovo Business Registry as an
example of a �best practice� one-stop shop for business
St Helena
In 2003-04 we were faced with the challenge of
establishing a Companies Registry in a remote island where it
had not previously been possible to incorporate a company. We
provided advice on all aspe cts of the implementation, including
participation in consultation on the legislation which had been
drafted by the Attorney. We designed, developed and
a computer system providing all facilities necessary to commence
operations. We also provided staff training, gave
to the business community, and drafted regulations, forms,
instructions and guidance notes. As series of system
enhancements has been implemented by remote access from UK and
we have continued to provide support on operational issues.
project was managed by David Walke. Paul Jones was the Systems
Development Manager. Funding was provided by the
British Foreign & Commonwealth Office.
During 2004-05 we advised the State Committee of
Ukraine for Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship on
development of the law, procedures and computer systems
necessary for the registration of legal persons and individual
entrepreneurs. The project, which was financed by the
European Union, took account of the wish of Ukraine to adopt
laws and practices consistent with European law and
international best practice. This included facilitating
Ukrainian participation in the
European Business Register. Registry Advisers Limited was a
main sub-contractor to
HTSPE Limited.
A project supported by the
FIRST Initiative to reform of the legal and institutional
framework for asset financing involved both improving
arrangements for registering secured property and addressing
problems with the Companies Registry. An earlier failed
computer project meant that most functions were still being
dealt with manually and that the computer database was
We proposed major changes to company registration
procedures, simplifying name reservation procedures and
establishing arrangements for sharing information between
government bodies in such a way that there was no longer a need
for separate tax registration. Detailed examination of the
existing registry software revealed that, while there were
various defects, these could be rectified. This was a far more
cost-effective option than replacing the system in its entirety,
which would have delayed the benefits to the business
community. The agreed proposals for registration of secured
property involved new legislation, procedures and systems.
Registry Advisers Limited was the main
sub-contractor to Maxwell Stamp PLC. The project was led by David
Paul Jones was the International IT Expert.
During 2006-07 we advised several Vietnamese
provinces - Hai Phong, Da Nang, Hue and Can Tho � on the
development of one-stop shops for business registration.
One-stop shops had been a feature of Vietnamese administration
for some time, but these had been limited in scope to the
services of a particular Department. We demonstrated how it
possible for a �single window� to provide a service spanning the
responsibilities of three Departments � the Department of
Planning and Investment, the Tax Department and the Department
of Public Security, which was responsible for the approval and
registration of seals. Our work, undertaken in association
DAI Europe Ltd, included participation in a national
conference in Hanoi and contribution of an
article for the Vietnam Economic Management Review. The
result has been a very significant reduction in the number of
visits an applicant for registration has to make to official
bodies and in the overall time to complete the registration
part of the Regional Economic Development (RED) project in Central Java,
which assists local government to improve the quality of the
regulatory and administrative framework conditions for the
private sector, we conducted a baseline study on the quality of
existing public services in Solo Raya. This concentrated on
provision of business licences and included a review of one-stop
shops in Boyolali, Karanganyar, Klaten, Sukoharjo, Surakarta,
Sragen and Wonogiri. We provided advice on how these might
effectively be developed, both on an individual and a collective
David Walke was a member of a team of advisers
assembled by the
Investment Climate Facility for Africa to establish the
Rwanda Investment Climate Project, with particular
responsibility for advising on the establishment of the Rwanda
Commercial Registration Services Agency. The Agency is now
responsible for the registration of businesses, a function
previously exercised by the courts. Registration involves only
two steps and can be completed in 3 days. Rwanda was cited in
Doing Business 2010 as the world�s
top reformer.
North Africa and the Middle East
Our work for
IFC in 2007-08 covered Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon and
Yemen. This involved various written briefing, telephone
conference, on-site visits and participation in workshops and
The General
Authority for Free Zones and Investment (GAFI) in Egypt had made
excellent progress in improving the level of service provided to
both international and domestic investors seeking to establish a
business in Egypt. In both 2007 and 2008, Egypt was
recognised as a 'top reformer' in the World Bank/IFC Doing
Business reports. Simplifying the procedures and
reducing the costs associated with business start-up has
resulted in more incorporations and enhanced levels of
investment. We were able to make recommendations for
further improvements. The number of procedures, the time
involved and the cost have all been reduced further and the
minimum capital requirement has been abolished, resulting in
Egypt now ranking 24th out of 183 countries in terms of ease of
starting a business, having risen 19 places in the past year.
Egypt has since been used as a case study in the review of
one-stop shops for business registration (see below).
Our work in
Yemen was similarly rewarding. Yemen reduced the number of
activities involved in business start-up from 12 to 6 and the
time taken from 63 days to 12. There was a reduction of more
than 50 per cent in the cost and the minimum capital
requirement, which had been one of the highest in the world, was
We have
provided advice on the improvement of business
start-up procedures in St Kitts, Dominica, St Lucia and Grenada
as part of a project sponsored by IFC on
Improving Business Climate in the English Speaking Caribbean.
part of the Private Sector
Competitiveness and Economic Diversification Programme, we
advised on the development of a
One-Stop Business Facilitation Centre in Lesotho. This involved
both a new companies registration system and the effective
integration of procedures for corporate registration, tax
registration, licensing, customs formalities and issue of work
Doing Business 2013 reported that, in implementing the
first stage of the reforms, Lesotho had risen from 144th
position out of 185 countries to 79th. We look forward to
seeing the impact of the remaining reforms.
During 2012 we
advised the Royal Government of Bhutan on simplifying company
law and procedures. In this, we were working with the
Barrington Consulting
Group of Canada and UD & Partners of Bhutan. By
the end of the project we had prepared a new Companies Bill.
We also worked with
Pohl Consulting & Associates of Germany to draft an
Enterprise Registration Bill, replacing existing licensing
procedures with a simple registration system for sole
proprietorships and partnerships.
Other one-stop shops
In 2009 David
Walke was commissioned to review developments in the use of
one-stop shops for business registration. This included
case studies from Burkina Faso, Colombia, Mauritius, Egypt and
Azerbaijan as well as a global analysis. Following
preparation of the report, David was invited to to apply the
'best practice' principles in Armenia and his recommendations are
included in the final version.
How Many Stops in a One-Stop
Shop? is published by the World Bank Group.
A short
article, Fewer Stops on
the Start-up Road, was published in the Summer 2010
issue of
Management Services.
Another study
by David Walke has considered the extent to which business
registries outsource functions to the private sector or to other
parts of government, the reasons for outsourcing and the
associated benefits, drawbacks, and practical problems.
Outsourcing of Business Registration Activities - Lessons from
Experience has also been published by the World Bank