Ascension Island

Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom

Registration of companies

The Companies Registry for Ascension Island is administered by the Registrar of Companies in Jamestown, St Helena.  Documents for registration, details of which appear on the Registry web site, may be forwarded via the Administrator's office in Ascension Island.


Ascension Island is a common law jurisdiction.  The principal legislation regarding companies is the Companies Ordinance, 2004, which came into force on 10 March 2004.

Types of company

The main company types are:

A private company limited by shares may be regarded as a 'specified private company' if its article contain a restriction on the transfer of shares, a maximum of 11 shareholders and a statement that it will carry on business in Ascension Island.  If it can meet these criteria, it need not submit financial statements, though it must still keep proper books of account.  Also, a lower scale of fees applies if a company is specified.

Company information

Company information is available from the Registrar.  Most information will soon be available directly from the Registry web site.



Companies Registry for Ascension Island

Essex House


St Helena

South Atlantic Ocean


telephone +290 2270
